Uri FG white

  • Dhs. 1,627.50
  • جديد

مقاسات الأحذية موضحة بأرقام الاتحاد الأوروبي. جدول المقاسات

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تم إنتاج هذا المنتج في سويسرا. This style has a Strato sole. Strato
Adjustable two straps slide sandal with leather footbed for extraordinary comfort. Practical and versatile. For hot summer days or all year round indoor use. Featured with the unique Swiss air-cushion sole, with higher rebound effect, that provides an exceptionally gentle walking sensation while relaxing the strain on the joints and the back, stimulating the health-promoting receptors in the feet and strengthening the muscles at every step.

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مشورة طبية متخصصة مجانية
التواصل السهل عن طريق الدردشة الحية

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