Product Highlights
Sandal sole - Your mini-trampoline
Posted by Zvonimir Zlomislic on
The [shoe] has a Sandal sole and therefore a higher Rebound-Effect. The Sandal sole has no air cylinders because the upper shoe material is open. This type of sole offers maximum effect as well as the ultimate in training performance and absorption. The foot pressure is evenly distributed and the power supply is optimised. The elastic and springy material compensates poor postures and misalignments by stretching the posterior muscle chain with each step and the full-length sole profile with larger contact area to the ground ensures optimal grip on any surface. Overview of kybun soles
Sandal Special sole - Your mini-trampoline
Posted by Zvonimir Zlomislic on
The [shoe] has a Sandal Special sole and therefore a higher Rebound-Effect. The Sandal Special sole has an alternative profile and optimal grip. It is ideal for dry and squeaky floors. Other types of soles are preferable for wet, greasy or very slippery surfaces. This sole has no air cylinders because the upper shoe material is open. This type of sole offers maximum effect as well as the ultimate in training performance and absorption. The foot pressure is evenly distributed and the power supply is optimised. The elastic and springy material compensates poor postures and misalignments by stretching the posterior muscle chain with each step. Overview of kybun soles
Tropo sole - Your mini-trampoline
Posted by Zvonimir Zlomislic on
The [shoe] has a Tropo sole and therefore a lower Rebound-Effect. This sole has an improved profile for squeaky floors and a «kybun light» feeling with less initial reactions. The Tropo sole is the successor of the popular Cirrus sole and has all the advantages of the previous models. It is designed to roll better in the backfoot area than the Cirrus sole. Furthermore, it has an ideal fit for almost every foot. This type of sole offers a slightly reduced intensity and effect. With its «kybun-light» feeling, it is ideal for people with weaknesses in the muscular system or balance disorders. Also for all exercise fanatics, who don't want to miss...
Cirrus sole - Your mini-trampoline
Posted by Zvonimir Zlomislic on
The [shoe] has a Cirrus sole and therefore a lower Rebound-Effect. This sole has an improved profile for squeaky floors and a «kybun light» feeling with less initial reactions. Therefore this type of sole offers a slightly reduced intensity and effect. That is exactly why the sole is ideal for people with weaknesses in the muscular system or balance disorders. Furthermore, it has an ideal fit for almost every foot. Also for all exercise fanatics, who don't want to miss the kybun shoes during sports activities. Perfect for sports such as tennis, volleyball, jogging, etc., where it is less about the winning and more about pain-free movement....
The kybun mat is Swiss Made
Posted by Zvonimir Zlomislic on
The kybun mat is made in Switzerland from an innovative material that is patent protected. This material consists of a specially developed multi-component polyurethane (PU), which is extremely soft, yet has a high long-lasting rebound force. The mat is produced in Switzerland under licence by one of the leading Swiss PU manufactures.